Eating Green | Frank Spade

Vegan Stories

I don’t call myself vegan, since it is sort of a cuss word. I am a humanist, who has compassion for all sorts of life. For more than 30 years I have avoided harming men, animals and plants as much as I can. I grew up in a German family after World War II, which had to get by with little money. It was considered a privilege to be able to consume animal foods, but we were only able to afford it on Sundays. I was told that I had to consume it if I wanted to grow up and be a strong man. I loved to drink milk and eat cheese just because of its taste. During school holidays I would stay on a farm and enjoy the animals, including riding pigs and milking cows. It all seemed natural and in harmony. The animals appeared at peace and well cared for. It was a small farm with maybe ten pigs, twenty cows and a bunch of chickens.

While serving in the army I suffered appendicitis and had surgery. After the operation the doctor told me what not to eat to get well again. That was the first time I had to think about what I ate, which led me to place my focus on whole foods. During my wedding holidays in Israel I came across a chicken farm with hundreds of caged chickens on several levels above each other. Before that I had no idea about factory farming and started to contemplate what I was doing. I studied Natural Hygiene (a philosophy about natural living) and learned about the suffering of animals and workers in factory farming. I learned that we are the only animals on this planet which drink the milk of another species after we have been weened. I also couldn’t imagine killing an animal to eat it and therefore couldn’t request others to do it for me.

Later I also came to realize that we are the only animal on this planet that destroys its food before we eat it. That didn’t make sense to me either, so I slowly reduced the amount of cooked food I ate. I am now trying to learn about wild herbs and have more green stuff in my diet. It feels great and gives me a lot of energy. I enjoy long-distance running and sometimes team up with vegan runners in Berlin. As a retired humanistic consultant I speak at weddings and funerals, and even held a mourning talk about a cow at the graduation ceremony of an intercultural hospice course I attended. For years I have only bought clothing which hasn’t caused harm to animals and nowadays try to stay away from clothing which has been produced under unfair conditions. I also try to stay away from products that have traveled from afar, because it no longer makes sense to me. There are plenty of local foods I can enjoy, and I am learning to recognize and prepare more and more of them.

I learned that other people like my food if I don’t call it vegan, so I don’t and everybody is happy. During my 66 years of life I have learned a lot and still do. I wish that in childhood I had learned most of what I know now, because it makes so much more sense.


Vegans Make A Difference is here to give vegans a voice! In STORIES, vegans relate why their choice became one of the most powerful decisions of their lives, rooted in the philosophy of compassionate living. They give touching and heartfelt testimonials of why we must expand the circle of compassion to our non-human friends, celebrating each and every one of them as unique and beautiful individuals.