My Journey from Clueless Omnivore to Vegan Activist | Diane Gandee Sorbi

Vegan Stories

Like most people of my generation, I grew up with no awareness or thought about where my food came from. I didn’t recognize the animals on my plate as once-living beings. Those pigs, cows, chickens and turkeys were simply “meat,” which was something I considered a necessary part of my diet. When I was older, I would occasionally meet someone who was a vegetarian. I remember admiring them for what I thought of as the sacrifice they were making for their values and feeling a bit guilty, but I would quickly push it out of my mind. Many years later, I began reading about the horrors of factory farming. I was appalled. I knew I couldn’t continue to eat those animals and consider myself a compassionate person. Unfortunately, I also began reading about so-called “humane” animal products. I convinced myself that those animals lived a long, happy life on a bucolic farm somewhere, and when they were very old, met a quick and painless death. If I purchased “grass-fed,” “cage-free,” and “free-range,” I would be doing a good thing. I now realize I was incredibly naïve and chose to believe what I wanted to believe. Because the truth is, I was more concerned about how eliminating animal products from my life would impact me than I was about the misery I was financing. It was pure selfishness on my part. I didn’t want to become that weird vegan at the party, standing in a corner munching on celery sticks while everyone else was eating the rest of the food. I wanted to be able to eat at a restaurant and order more than a plain salad. As much as I would have insisted otherwise, I really didn’t want to be different. I wanted to fit in and be liked.

Shortly after joining Facebook, a couple of vegans added me as a friend. They would often post articles and videos about the humane myth. As I became more informed, I knew I couldn’t hide from the truth any longer. My choices were causing tremendous suffering to innocent beings. I had to change. I began eliminating animal products from my life and after about four months I was ready to make the switch. The day I became vegan was such a wonderful day! I felt a sense of peace I had never known before. I knew I was making the right choice and would never go back. My only regret was waiting so long. Not long after, I realized I needed to get involved in activism and help spread the vegan message. Though I was a shy person, I challenged myself to do leafleting and paid-per-view video showings. After attending a talk by the animal rights group Direct Action Everywhere (DxE), I decided to get involved with them and focus most of my energy there. I liked their message of disrupting social norms, and while I felt it intimidating at first, I pushed past my comfort zone and learned to do speak-outs. When I found out about open rescue, which is entering facilities where animals are kept, without our faces covered, documenting the conditions and rescuing a few of the animals most in need, I knew I wanted to be involved. Helping with rescue has been very rewarding work, despite the legal risks. Our political system does not favor the interests of animals. Animal-exploiting corporations have deep pockets, and politicians often do their bidding. I was delighted when I learned about the Humane Party, a political party that is working on an abolition amendment that would give animals rights and end their exploitation. The rest of their platform aligned with my values as well. I wanted to volunteer and was grateful when they accepted me as a board member. Countless animals lost their lives because of me in the 55 years it took me to become vegan. I can’t change the past, but for as long as I live I will do everything I can to bring about an end to the use and abuse of animals. I may not be young, but I hope to see animal liberation in my lifetime!                                                                                                                                                                              Editor’s Note: Sadly, Diane passed away in 2020.  Her incredible activism will always be remembered.


Vegans Make A Difference is here to give vegans a voice! In STORIES, vegans relate why their choice became one of the most powerful decisions of their lives, rooted in the philosophy of compassionate living. They give touching and heartfelt testimonials of why we must expand the circle of compassion to our non-human friends, celebrating each and every one of them as unique and beautiful individuals.